Fellow Membership


Fellowship is awarded by the Council of Directors.

Fellowship by nomination

You may nominate yourself for Fellowship if you are already a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) and have met the criteria for certified membership for five or more years. The full fellowship policy, application form and supporting documents are available below:

  • Fellowship by nomination policy
  • Fellowship application form
  • Fellowship notes for referees
  • Fellowship reference form

If Council award Fellowship you will be able to use the designation FCIA.


Other Routes to Fellowship

Most Fellowships will made through the nomination process above.

In exceptional circumstances the Council may choose to award Fellowship by election or honorary fellowship. Fellowship by election is intended for individuals who are not eligible for Fellowship by nomination, but who have made a significant contribution to the profession of internal auditing.  Members who have been designated Fellows of the CIA in this way may use the designation FCIA as recognition of their award.

Honorary Fellowship is reserved for individuals of influence who have contributed either directly, or indirectly, to the profession of internal auditing, but who are not practicing internal auditors. (It carries no voting rights, and does not make the recipient a member of the CIAP.)

Due to the exceptional nature of these types of fellowship, they are instigated solely by the Council rather than by nomination.