
Volunteer Center

The CIAP only exists with the active involvement of its members. Together with staff, volunteer members help the CIAP to grow and achieve its strategic objectives.

All members of the CIAP are positively encouraged to support their Institute by giving their time, energies and skills to help us achieve our corporate objectives. The aim is not to replace full time staff with unpaid volunteers, but to enable active members to make their full contribution whilst at the same time developing their own skills and interests.

Volunteers are active in the CIAP in five main ways: 

  • Working in the CIAP Regions
  • Offering advice and guidance to other members through the technical helpline
  • Participation in CIAP Committees and task forces
  • Serving as a Director on the Council
  • Helping out in one-off projects.

Volunteer Requirement

Volunteering with the CIAP is an excellent way to meet other internal auditors, stay abreast of new approaches to internal auditing, and contribute to the development of the profession. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer with the CIAP please send an email to us describing your skills and interests. We will endeavour to match the right volunteer opportunities to the right people. Please note that volunteer opportunities are only available to current CIAP members.

Opportunities occasionally arise for internal auditors to volunteer with charities. Details of these positions may be found under the job centre.